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The global crisis caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has been challenging the entire economic and industrial fabric. Which is why, far from offering hasty solutions, Focke Meler aims to strengthen its message of calm which we have always conveyed to our clients: We’re still here!

We’re still here, offering the same service and personalised care, while prioritising emergencies. Safety procedures require us to reduce our visits, something that is not always easy to do when a large part of our clients have stepped up their activity. That is why we believed it advisable to point out the utility of one of our equipment’s most important components: the instructions manual.

Ensuring good maintenance

It is all the more crucial now for our equipment to be correctly maintained. How to perform cleaning tasks, how to access equipment interiors, what steps have to be taken to carry out a replacement on your own… all this information is available from our website.

Meler equipment also have an extensive range of automated warnings that facilitate daily maintenance for users.


The image shows how the hour counter works: when the equipment has been working for 1,000 hours, the fusor itself will warn the operator that a change of filter is required. This function can also be programmed (depending on the intensity of the work, temperatures, type of adhesive, etc.).

Independence in resolving incidents

Our experience with numerous clients enables us to anticipate possible incidents. Which is why our manuals also offer clear and concise instructions so operators can resolve unwanted operational delays on their own . Our goal is to minimise unexpected technical issues and therefore we put our trust in and closely cooperate with our clients’ technical staff.

Technical specifications and component lists

Focke Meler recommends you obtain security kits to avoid long operational delays. Our supplies have not been affected and we continue to deliver our products worldwide on a daily basis. Check out your equipment’s security-replacements kit from our commercial network.

We will continue to stay at your side, offering you the best service for getting through this unprecedented situation together.

Contact your nearest Focke Meler branch:

ITALY (00 39) 051 768459
FRANCE (00 33) 160 050 303
GERMANY (0049) (0) 42318915790
SPAIN (00 34) 948 351 127
UK (00 44) 0 3338 804 567
USA (001) 980 556 7990

Find your equipment’s manual on our website


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