Focke Meler revolutionises industrial technical support with the HoloLens 2 mixed reality smartglasses. This new technology will enable Meler to multiply the efficiency of its remote technical assistance and share its know-how with all its clients.
When a technical problem arises, the first option is to make a phone call. Most often these calls mean nerve-racking waits for anyone trying to manage a halted production line that is costing their business money with every lost minute. Meler has just added a new technology which uses virtual reality to turn that phone call into a helping hand. A “virtual” helping hand that will help you fix problems almost immediately.
A revolution in industrial technical support
Being able to be there without being there. Repairing a system without needing to touch it, and sharing a working method by speaking directly into the ears of someone many kilometres away. This is Meler’s new technical service.

“The mixed reality smartglasses we use at Meler are the new Microsoft HoloLens 2. We needed to work hard to ensure our new computer system was robust, but we know that using these smartglasses will change how we work, how we learn, and how we communicate”.
(Raúl Zudaire,Focke Meler’s Director of Operations)
The carbon-fibre smartglasses adapt to the user’s physiological conditions, with a tracking system that can follow their eye movements and see what they see. The images we see on the other side of the screen are so seamless that the viewer forgets they are looking through someone else’s eyes. Both people see the same thing.
Plus, as Raúl explains: “Their operating system (Microsoft 365) is universal–most of our clients use it every day–, so Meler can offer its technical service with guaranteed compatibility.”
Unai Arbizu, head of Focke Meler Technical Support, sums up his first experience with this new hardware like this:
“It was love at first sight. In 5 minutes I’d already learnt how to use the system. It was the tool we needed to be able to reach everyone much more quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.”
(Unai Arbizu)
Meler magic
There’s magic in any sufficiently advanced science, and that’s in the way we do things. Now this magic means a new way of communicating with our clients, a new way to put our know-how at their disposal and make their businesses more profitable. Let’s imagine a specific situation: a worker has a problem with a piece of equipment on a production line. The procedure could be as simple as this:
- A phone call to set up a virtual support session
- At the agreed time, the operator receives a call through Microsoft Teams.
- In just a few seconds, our technical team at Meler headquarters, standing in front of the same equipment with the help of a mixed reality smartglasses, can show them exactly what to do. They can point with precision to the most critical components to be checked, and view the installation manuals in the same virtual workspace.
This video is an example of the added value that comes with sharing the same view. This technology minimises the time needed to understand a problem or visualise a complex problem. A picture is worth a thousand words, and the solution arrives almost immediately.
High technology for our clients’ everyday work
In just 6 months we have held over 200 videoconferences, most lasting from 20 minutes to an hour, using mixed reality technology.
Because technology is magical when it helps us solve problems, and Meler is committed to sharing each and every technological breakthrough with its clients. Soon they will see for themselves how the future has already come to Meler, and on to them through our technical support: faster, more effective, cost-optimised assistance. Unai tells us what he thinks the future will bring:
“Human technicians will never disappear, because specialisation has value and clients recognise that. What will change is how they work: travelling less but being more effective. We can identify problems better and make accurate diagnoses that will reduce the margins of error in technician call-outs. We’ll know what’s gone wrong before we start work. And that can only benefit the client”.
(Unai Arbizu)
Empowering what matters
Meler’s digital transformation takes another step forward with the addition of virtual technology.
All the company’s projects in recent years have had the same goal, to keep simplifying our processes so we can drive productivity in our clients’ businesses: designing with the user in mind, optimising maintenance jobs, increasing safety and automation in our processes, and so on.
Because we’re all looking for solutions that make life easier, we want science to help us move forward and we want technology to give us the tools to do it. That’s why Meler will keep sharing its magic..

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