Change generators
Our way to be more sustainable is based on a 360-degree vision that starts with product design. We innovate to achieve more productivity while requiring fewer resources and working on energy-efficient, durable, and robust solutions.
Cutting-edge technology backed by real laboratory data drives us to look to the future by manufacturing solutions with an increasingly longer life cycle.
Innovation can change the world
At Meler, we work to make industrial adhesive processes easier and more sustainable for the Earth. A reduction in environmental impact supported by real solutions such as the Foam Technology made by Meler, which decreases the use of adhesive while improving product quality. A constant investigation that pays off making available to the user the most efficient melters on the planet.
We investigate and invest because our business only improves if so does yours.

Our impact
Thanks to the installation of solar panels.
Occupational accidents
Committed to workers by creating safe spaces.
With variable compensation linked to measurable objectives.