Grupo Focke Meler (hereinafter, Meler, referring to all companies that comprise the Group), has always ensured a healthy, respectful and collaborative atmosphere across all levels within the working environment at any of its locations. Favourable conditions that ensure that all staff involved in the company find the ideal time and place to share their opinions and concerns both freely and harmoniously.

A healthy workspace which, at Meler, we want to consolidate by taking that one step further thanks to an Ethical Channel that the company has made available as a tool for all. This is a new direct and confidential communication channel facilitated in order to expose different issues. From irregular conduct within the company observed by any individual, to suggestions or positive acknowledgements.

The company encourages its employees, or any other individual outside the company, to report attitudes or behaviours that may violate the provisions of our Code ofEthics and Conduct, including sexual harassment and gender-based harassment in the workplace. Likewise, any suggestions, as well as congratulations, will be collected and processed to guarantee the continuous improvement of the company.


Under the strictest confidentiality, impartiality and independence, any communications received will be subject to analysis and processing by a team of professionals external to the company, who will protect the informant from any reprisals in the work-professional area.

All communications will be processed in accordance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, the presumption of innocence and the right to personal honour. Meler thus wishes to guarantee a working environment in keeping with the ethical principles and conduct derived from its solid values and corporate culture of which we are all so proud and committed.